Thursday, March 18, 2010

Never Be Proud,

Never be Proud,
For what You Are & the Position You hold,
Because after a Game of Chess,
the King & the Soldiers
go into the same box..!

Living for Others is the Rule of Nature

Nothing in the nature lives for itself

Rivers don’t drink their own water

Trees don’t eat their own fruit

Sun doesn’t give heat for itself

Moon doesn’t ever go on honeymoon

Flowers don’t spread fragrance for themselves

Living for Others is the Rule of Nature

Don't Spoil What You Have!

Don’t spoil what you have
by desiring what you don’t have
What you have now,
is one of the many things you once prayed for..!!

My Message

accomplishment isn’t a substance of human being The best

& captivating The competition.

accomplishment is a material

of management The most terrible

& motionless concluding The contest.

Cute Child Pic

The dimension Of Candles May be different
other than They surrender The equivalent Brightness.
It’s Not The substance Of Your arrangement,
excluding Your capability That Shines

Universal Truth

If you plummet your keys into a waterway of molten lava, not remember about them, they're gone!

I like my eyes

I like my eyes,
"when i look at you"

I like my heart,
"when I miss You,

I like My Name,
"When You say It"


I love my life
"If you will be in it"

This Little Baby is Thinking Different

Life is a rope that swings us through hope..

Always believe that today is better than yesterday..
Tomorrow will be much better than today......

Two Little Children

Most Beautiful, Sentence;

"But, I Trust U"


Most Selfish &
Painful Sentence

"I Trust U, But"

Feel The Difference.........!

Children is using Computer

Life is nothing when we get everything
But life is everything when we miss Something in life.
"Value of people is realized in their absence only"